
Obtaining Birth, Death or Marriage Certificates in Argentina

All requests for Argentine Civil Registry Certificates can be made in person by the interested party or by a relative, acquaintance or agent directly to the Civil Registry of the corresponding jurisdiction.

An increasing number of provinces offer an online service for the interested party to request the necessary certificates from their Civil Registries. Below, you may consult the page of each jurisdiction:


Information on how to obtain the Hague Apostille from abroad

The Apostille Stamp for Certificates can be processed before any of the authorities authorized to do so in Argentina (Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship or  Colegio de Escribanos (Notary Public Associations). Any other method of management or processing through third parties may not be reliable.

  • The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has developed an online documentation certification project, adapting existing circuits through the “Trámite a Distancia - TAD” option, which will allow to applicants to obtain the certification of the documentation while preserving the requirements of national and international legality. Any person over 18 years of age, who has a CUIT and Fiscal Code Level 2 (or higher), and has a bank account in Argentina may apply for the Apostille through the TAD option.
    More information is available at the website of the Argentine Foreign Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship - Legalizations.
  • If you do not have a Fiscal Code Level 2, it is possible to request the apostille of a document through this Consulate General, which has a fee.
    In this case, please send an e-mail to csidn@mrecic.gov.ar informing the type of document to be apostilled in order to be informed about the procedure.


Technical characteristics of Apostilles and legalizations of international validity

  • Digitally signed PDF document backed in perpetuity in a single centralized repository that guarantees its integrity, accessibility and availability.
  • Uniformity of format for Apostilles and legalizations issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship; and the Notary Public Associations of the Argentine Republic.

We highlight the importance of verifying the validity of any Apostille or legalization of international validity issued through the website enabled for such purpose by the Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs: www.argentina.gob.ar/legalizacion-internacional .



Updated date: 24/02/2025