On December 19th, we held the awards ceremony for the second edition of the children's drawing contest "Dibuja Argentina" at the Consulate General.
This year seventeen children between the ages of 6 and 12, of multiple nationalities, residing in various states of Australia participated. The theme was "places in Argentina" and they were invited to draw those places they have visited or would like to visit.
Drawings were received representing Bariloche, Lago Argentino, La Boca, El Obelisco, Mendoza and La Pampa, among others.
The winners won jerseys of the Argentine National Football team and books by María Elena Walsh and Mafalda. In addition, all participants won a kit of artistic materials sponsored by Wealthi.
Many thanks to everyone who joined us and especially to Wealthi, Escuela de Español Lazos Latinos NSW, InSpanish and Asociación AMIGOSS for supporting us in the initiative!
We thank our jury, formed by Argentinean artists Celia Fernandez and Ana Maria Attianese.
We congratulate all the participants for their beautiful works that are on display until December 31, 2024 at the Consulate General.